Friday, September 26, 2008

Street Theater

Sorry, I've been absent over the past week, there has been a lot going on here in Dublin. But now that I got some quality "me" type, its time to share more experiences with y'all. And I'm gonna do it without cursing unless it is absolutely neccessary, shout out to Mom for the lesson in etiquette! lol.

Last weekend, some friends & I were just walking around the St Stephen's Green area (a really busy, popular area right in city center ) and came across these street performers called The English Gents. I saw the crowd from afar, but wasn't too interested in seeing them considering that I haven't been hugely impressed with all the street performers in the city. Its pretty much a mixed bag when it comes to these street performers, as it is in any city I suppose, but most here seem just commonly mediocre. At least in the NYC subway, you'll get great extremes from laugh out loud ridiculousness or surprisingly entertaining and/or creative acts, but I'm rambling now, so let me get back to the point.

My friends convinced me to stop & watch these guys & I was glad they did. The pictures below will tell you most of the story, but let me just say that the showmanship of these fellas was top notch. I ain't a fan of dudes taking they clothes off, but they played it for enough of a laugh that it wasn't uncomfortable to watch. Just check it out, so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about:

One last thing about the final picture, right above. So, this was their finale. The guy on the bottom laid down on the ground & was gonna lift his partner up with one arm while he stood up. Sounds ridiculous, hun? Well, I ain't believe that he was gonna do it, so I was amazed when I took this picture. Five seconds after I take the picture, he drops his brother. Booooooo! Of course though, the show must go on, especially if they expect me to drop some dough in their buckets. So they tried again & I was all excited to get a picture of the final pose and as soon as they got it, I lifted my camera, clicked the button & flash. I looked down & had run outta batteries, ain't that bout a...(finsh that as you wish)? Once again, I miss out on a cool picture to share with y'all cause I forgot to put new batteries in. I gotta do better, y'all. But they did get the trick done, so you can imagine what it looked like.

Peace & blessings, y'all!

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