Friday, September 19, 2008

Thoughs on Galway

Man, I really wished I blogged about this last monday. I had a lot I wanted to say, but I got distracted during the week, & now we'll see what I remember. We got up extra early (aka 5:30 am) in the morning to catch the bus to Galway, which was at 7am. We kinda knew where the bus stop was, but not exactly, so it took us extra long to get there & we missed the 7:30 bus to Galway. We had a big group too, we had to be at least 11 deep. We hop on the 8am bus & take the 4 hour trip there, which means I was knocked out, gettin that mouth wide open snore sleep.

So we get to Galway, find out that we missed out on the day trip to the Cliffs & people start to bug out a lil bit. This is where it really hit, "Kev, you can't travel with everybody. These people are going to drive you bat-shit crazy!" It seems real easy to me: if you're in a new city & you miss the tour you wanted, don't try to find some random back route to the Cliffs, just enjoy the new city you're in. Common sense, right? Well, it was almost an hour before we left the visitor's center trying to find a place to go. Some of the people we were with were comparing 4 different tours to the same place & stressin about what time we'd get back the next day , while me & Chibbi had bought tour tickets for the next day & we're looking up clubs to go to that night. I shoulda done like Mom always told me, "Just leave em." If they ain't got they stuff together, don't wait for em, let em catch up. I swear, I always heard that but felt bad when that situation arose, but Dublin is gonna force me to do that. I ain't missing out on my experiences waiting for others to catch up.

Eventually, we got up & running & y'all have seen the pics from where we went. There was this one point though at the end of the day, where some people wanted to go check out this lighthouse on the coast. We were gonna do that & then go get dinner. We start walking to the coast, which was at least a 15 minute walk from where we were (which is a lot after you've spent the whole day walking), and when get there we see the lighthouse waaaaaay back in the distance. Now, this lighthouse aint some tourist spot that we know is open & has something worth seeing, so I wasn't finna walk for another half an hour just to get another view of the coastline. Most of the group wanted to though, so we let them go & me, Chibbi, & our new friend Karlene stayed back. The plan was for them to call us when they got back & we'd meet up to go to this seafood spot we saw. Well, after an hour of waiting, in which we checked into our hostel, did some shopping & headed to a pub for a drink, I decided to call my roommate Joey, who was part of the other group. Guess what? Them shady folks was at dinner already! He gonna tell me that they tried to call me, but my phone aint work. Ain't that some bullshit? My phone was working just fine & they aint try to call Chibbi or Karlene either, so right then & there I was like, I don't owe any allegiance to none of them. Y'all know I don't trust people & stuff like that is exactly why. They're nice people, but that don't mean I trust em.

It all turned out aiight though, cause the little group I was with end up at this really nice restaurant which we shoulda had a reservation for, but they let us sit & eat at the bar. Next thing you know, we were dining on extra nice seafood, enjoying some nice wine, making conversation with the other people at the bar & everything. It was cool, I felt extra grown in that moment & I enjoyed Chibbi & Karlene cause they were like me, laid back & looking for a good time with no bs attached. It seems like its becoming harder & harder to find people like that. Thank God, I got y'all back home.

After the whole trip & another little sheisty moment that happened on the way home the next night, I really missed home for the first time. Everything up to this point has been the honeymoon period & I've just been caught up with the city, but when little sheisty moments like that happen, it really makes a brotha feel alone. Being alone is all good in a sense, but I can't do everything by myself & burn bridges here, cause lawd knows that if I get on my "me" shit, people ain't gonna respond too kindly to it. I'll find the balance though, it ain't like I got any other choice, right? lol

Peace & blessing, talk to y'all again soon

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